

Project Description

The MasterMind project aimed to make high-quality treatment methods for depression more widely available in Europe using internet and technology-based concepts.

Depression targets a huge disease burden worldwide, which manifests itself in high incidence rates and enormous social costs. Technology-based treatment concepts are well researched and show high efficacy in the treatment of depression.

The aim of the project was to evaluate the effectiveness of cCBT (computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy) in more than 10 EU countries within a large-scale project (more than 5,000 patients).

The project identified barriers and success factors in the implementation of cCBT in different political, social, and economic contexts, and from the perspective of patients, professionals, and health care providers. On this basis, recommendations were made for the implementation of cCBT at the European level.

The project ran from 1 March 2014 to 28 February 2017.

Publications & Deliverables


Topics of the Project

Equal access to treatment: All EU citizens suffering from depression should have equal access to evidence-based treatment.

Collaboration: Countries and regions within the EU cooperate to exchange knowledge and optimise treatment processes.

Inclusion: Health professionals, healthcare providers, and patients are equally involved in the development of good treatment options.

Self-management: All patients with depression who are willing and able to do so should be given the chance to manage their mental health themselves with technical support.


Funding & Cooperation